
Long lost relative came to town. Several relatives visited with him and never invited aunts. PIctures on facebook. We are are very hurt and very angry. Makes us feel transparent. Should we tell the others or just let it go and consider the source?


6 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Instead of "telling" them, why not ask  them why you weren't invited?

Cool Spot Profile
Cool Spot answered

Hard to say, long lost relative I mean maybe they invited people they remembered from long ago I have no idea how Long ago it was since this relative was around. Its also hard to say who posted the Face book pictures, Maybe they just wanted to see those particular family members and had no idea that they were going to upload the pictures on facebook. Facebook really informs people about things they are better off not knowing.

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

How about telling whoever hurt your feelings how you feel?  Better than telling this to a bunch of strangers on the internet.

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

Thin skinned people take ofence.

Others sigh, then smile and understand.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Its difficult to understand why they chose to do it that way without knowing the specific dynamic of this group of people. I would be curious as to what their reasoning is for the lack of inclusion. perhaps this person is a little shy about making a big deal about returning, and would prefer being reintroduced to the family in smaller doses.  Although it seems rather odd that husbands don't include their wives during a family get together, I would think nothing of it.  Personally, I would make my own plans to get the entire family together to welcome this long lost family member.

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