I am annoyed by people that always say they are happy and perfect, are you ?


16 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

No, why would I want to bring their thoughts down? Plus I know better. Most of the time someone who always says they are happy and perfect, they are actually hiding a very darkness only they know about. I feel bad for them more then get annoyed by them.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

No one is perfect. Anyone that says their life is always perfect is either in denial, or lying.  I for the most part am happy, but there are somethings in my life I wish were better, but I am not going to dwell on them. I rather focus on the good things in my life.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Anne of Green,

No I am not annoyed...my experience is like Y&Y above...

There is a deep contentment radiating from some people but they will not often talk about it; if they do go on about it, you can bet there is some darkness they are running from...

* * *

I feel bad for them, they are trying to live on the surface of life, we must eventually accept our own darkness and love ourselves anyway.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

I've never nor will I be annoyed because someone says they're happy and perfect. I'm happy 😁 for them.

I don't know they're life.

Right now I'm happy 😄 and sleepy😴. I work very hard daily to be happy, healthy and at peace with myself and my surroundings. 

Hopefully you'll stop being😣 annoyed at me.

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Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Thank you ☺
SuperFly Original
Yes if they are genuine then only the jealous would be annoyed. If they are bs-ers then it could affect the person one lives with. If you're not a bad person then you have every right to express happiness!
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
@Super, I know sadness, hurt, sad, depression and feeling suicidal. Who am I to tell someone that they can't or shouldn't be happy and perfect. I'll NOT tear a person down for being HAPPY and PREFECT. Thank you.
DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

Yeah! Darn those happy people! They're better off just moping around while having nothing to do and accomplishing nothing. How dare they?!

What's the point of life anyway? Other than just to sit and wind down to some tunes from The Cure


Why work hard and get fit, when you can just sit at home eating everything and anything you want?

Why work hard in school? Why go to college? Why have a career? Why work so hard to be self reliable and having the ability to take care of yourself? I say, we should just live on tree tops and feed off of wild vegetation.

Why be happy and positive? That only attracts people. People wanting to go out with you, people wanting to be your friend. Having more people in your life? That's just asking for trouble.

-Excerpt from the Diary of DDX former edgy 14 year old self.

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SuperFly Original
lol I agree though, there are miserable people out there and you have to know how to distance yourself from them. Im sure we all heard that saying "misery loves company" You have a choice, choose not to share their terrible perception on life. Dont be manipulated by the persistence some of those negative people have.
DDX Project
DDX Project commented
I was being sarcastic. The Cure was the original mainstream band for emo kids.
SuperFly Original
lol I think it helped me fall asleep for what ever reason.
SuperFly Original Profile

Id really need at least one example to answer this one. And of course I am a bit sleep deprived but clearly im not "tired" 

Im fully awake! thank god for the app flux.

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

Why would you get annoyed because someone says that?  Are you jealous of them?  People say all sorts of things ... You can't let what they think bother you so much.

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Barb Cala
Barb Cala commented
I have no idea who you think I am Anne ... but you are incorrect.
Anneof Green
Anneof Green commented
I think you are BarbsIsMe from ep, the same old smurky answers to my questions. Anyway who cares.
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
Anne, you're making an assumption, based on what facts? Chill, please.
Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Perhaps they are merely in a mode of acceptance, regarding themselves. Many take a life time to actually love themselves and accept both those things that make them excel as well as their shortcomings, they may have. Being able to truly analyze yourself is very difficult . . Especially when confronted by things you know are embedded in your nature . . . Acceptance of these things is difficult yet not impossible to achieve.

Cookie Hill Profile
Cookie Hill answered

All are right there are no perfect people on earth, yet there are many happy people and they do not have a dark side that they are hiding. My personal happiness come  from obeying God.. Psalm 112:1 " Happy is the man who fears Jehovah, Who takes great pleasure in his commandments."

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

I really haven't heard anyone claim perfection.  But I choose to be happy, even in imperfect circumstances, whenever possible.  Misery is overrated. :)

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