
I have nicotine withdrawal, should I go out to get cigarettes?


2 Answers

AnnNettie Paradise Profile

No. Withdrawal symptoms are powerful, but they will subside within just a few weeks. So stay focused! If a desire to smoke resurfaces months or years later, it too will pass, likely in just a few minutes—if you do not light up a cigarette. Reality: If you trip over a hurdle and have a smoke—as many do while trying to give up smoking—your situation is not hopeless. Simply get up and press on. Falling down does not spell failure. Staying down is failure. So keep trying. Eventually you will succeed! Stay healthy, be happy! :)

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

After 7 days it will start to fade.

Here is a tip. It always easy to quite.

Just don't start up again.

Your body will start to feel the change,

food will taste better. You will sleep much

better. All senses will be clearer.

You'll smell better. Go for it !!!

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