
How do get my wife to get off my a** ever since I got cancer she would drive me crazy, worst thing is, she tracked me while i was out one time, is there anyway, anyway possible to get her off my freaken a**?


3 Answers

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

You don't give a many details to explain the reasons why she claims to be 'on you' so much .. I can only assume that she is scared to death about losing you and is holding on as tightly as she can.  One thing about contracting a potentially deadly disease is you might find yourself concentrating on the threat  and how it affects you, yourself .. Don't forget that your loved ones also have a lot to lose.  This is not a time to be angry ... At least not at her for caring about you and your safety .. THIS is a time to gather together to join forces as a family to make sure everyone involved is getting the support they need to cope with this monumentous task of dealing with a cancer threat.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You need to talk to her. Let her know you can appreciate the fact she is scared of losing you, but smothering you is stressing you out and that is not good for you.

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