What are some inspirational quotes for people who are being bullied and have low self esteem?


5 Answers

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

I like the phrase "the best is yet to come" because it gives me hope that things will get better.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

One of my personal favorites, "This too shall pass!" Best of luck to you!

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John Doe
John Doe commented
One of my favs too Corey!
Corey The Goofyhawk
It works the other way too. To the bullies with incredible looks and extreme talent, haha, that too shall pass! Lol!
John Doe
John Doe commented
Given time you're absolutely correct! I don't have much time for shallow people, it's refreshing to know there are normal people out there!
Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Whoever trying to take you down is already below you.

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Tris Fray Potter
Tris Fray Potter commented
Ohhh... Sorry I read it the wrong way
Tris Fray Potter
Tris Fray Potter commented
At school- getting into trouble for things she didn't do; getting teased
And at home- she's getting teased by her parents because she has aspergers syndrome
Tris Fray Potter
Tris Fray Potter commented
Thank-you. She goes to an all-girls school, and I do girl guides with her, so the only boys she interacts with are her cousins, and a few from her karate group. I know she is being at least cyber-bullied through school because she's shown me emails.
AnnNettie Paradise Profile

It is good for them to remember that they are value as a person. The bully might want them to think that they don’t matter, that they deserve to be treated badly. But the bully is not their judge. God is, and he looks for the good in each and every one of us. It is the bully who becomes less worthwhile by resorting to such conduct.

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