
If your friend said to you "the only reason I came out with you tonight was because you were my ride home" how would you feel?


8 Answers

Tinkerbell St. Basil Profile

I would feel the need to get a different friend! Only surround yourself with people who make you a better person and leave the users and abusers at the curb.

Lil Princess Profile
Lil Princess answered

Sad :(

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

That person wouldn't be my friend, I'd force them back into the car, I'll drive out of the town & i'll drop them somewhere out of nowhere to enjoy their time.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Well, it's pretty bold to admit that, right to your face. So, you can be thankful that they were ballsy enough to say that and now you don't need to feel guilty about dropping them from your friend list.

Dakota  Mackenzie Profile

Oh, I'd give them a ride home but before we part, I'd tell them never again because we aren't friends anymore.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

I would 'feel' like I was being taken advantage of .. And that is not 'ok'.  It would also make me feel like I need to re-evaluate this so called 'friendship'  .. Friends don't take 'advantage' of friends .. Only someone who is NOT a friend would.

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