
Do my parents love me? They argue with me, called me and my siblings names once, don't seem to care about us and ALWAYS yell, especially my father. I want to tell someone, but my mother tells us we can't. So am I overreacting?


2 Answers

Tris Fray Potter Profile

I am starting to have that problem as well

Kk polly Profile
Kk polly answered

I went through a period where I didn't think they loved me. But I'm over that, and odds are your parents love you too. 

For instance they created you, that was their choice most likely. Haven't you ever said something that you didn't mean, because you were in a bad mood with something else in your life? 

Well that happens to a lot of adults. Sometimes adults can act more hormonal than teenagers. Sometimes work can be frustrating, and many adults suffer migraines. 

These things can put anybody in a bad mood, and children acting out of line can make things worse, which leads to yelling. Anyways, sorry for babbling. I'm sure they love you. I wish you luck with healing your family relationships.

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