
I'm 13 (14 in November) and I'm about 4ft 11in and I weigh 4 st 9lbs I hate it and want to get down to 3st 5lb. Is this unhealthy / anorexic ??


1 Answers

Lina Grace Profile
Lina Grace answered

Yes  this is extremely unhealthy. Currently you are at an anorexic weight. The minimum of a heathy weight for your height would be about 95 pounds. If your not willing to gain weight, atleast try to maintain. If anything do not lose. I am you age and I weigh 110 pounds. Don't worry about your weight. If you worry about what your legs/stomach look like it comes from the angle that your eyes see yourself. You could do serious damage to yourself if you lose anymore weight. And I know where you are. I've been there. But trust me rely of people around you and try to get better.

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