
How to find your talents?


4 Answers

Darling Divaa Profile
Darling Divaa answered

You will never know if you have talent unless you try. You should love what you do. Try new things and believe in yourself.

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

A lot of this is trial and error. You must try new things to find something you  like and the more you like doing a certain something, the more talents you have for doing this will show up. You aren't going out of your way to do something you absolutely hate so find something you love to do and the rest will follow. Somethings just draw the best out in people once they find their love of doing something

Aracely K. Montanez Profile

1. Find what makes you feel strong 2. Discover what you spend your money on 3. Asking others 4. Using personality tests

Kk polly Profile
Kk polly answered

I found my talents and weaknesses by doing lots of different activities. This is what I've discovered about myself:

I'm 2 out of 5 in rating as to how good I am at piano

I'm a Really slow swimmer

I was really good at gymnastics, and I shouldn't have quit

I'm good at soccer, but nothing's going to come out of it

I'm bad at listening to advice

I'm bad at taking care of fish

It really just takes expierience to find out what you're made of. Each year you should try something new. Try a new sport. Try a new recipe. Try volunteering somewhere new. Good luck on your path of self discovery!!! :D

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