
What are the topics to teach teens?


4 Answers

Rod Cornish Profile
Rod Cornish , Topics for teens, answered

Teach them from an earlier age before reaching their teens to respect others.

And to warn them about sexual abuse and having babies.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

There's so many things teens need to learn, but in this day and age I think the most important thing they need to learn, wait , not most important thing they need to learn, but need to hear is to have self respect. 

They have to hear that anything and everything they put out on the Internet and social media will and can be used against them. It breaks my heart when I screen potential people for future jobs and see how a few mistakes on social media can be a complete detriment to their credibility and potential as a future employable  prospect. One mistake or Ill thought out picture or post can have a huge effect on your future.Please  think about what you post , anywhere. We can find everything . Girls this is mostly for you!

dragonfly forty-six Profile

Self governing. One of the main reasons kids don't do well when going to college. They got used to their mommy waking them up, and reminding them to eat and sleep.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

To not do drugs.

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