I keep pushing people away but I don't know why... do you know why this might happen?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

This may be because you are concerned that if you open up people will reject you.  Work on realizing that you are a unique person.  Opening up does open you up to possible rejection, but if you never open up you miss the opportunity to be accepted for who you are. 

1 Person thanked the writer.
Mr. Mojo Risin'
Mr. Mojo Risin' commented
After thinking about it for a while this is totally it. I'm always trying to be somebody different or better but I end up making things worse. Thank you so much for making me realize this.
Ryan Viola Profile
Ryan Viola answered

I think you are self centered so might be you are pushing people away. If you want to avoid this then you have to open up and speak so that other people will take interest in you.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

You are afraid of getting hurt. Pushing people away is a natural defense mechanism to protect oneselve from being hurt, usually due to them being hurt by someone in the past already such as an absent parent, or the loss of a grandparent/loved one due to death, or divorce, or their first heartbreak from a boyfriend/girlfriend.

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

if your like me you dont want to be hurt

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

I agree that you're afraid of getting hurt.  I have a feeling you've been hurt before.  Keep in mind that not everyone will hurt you.  Good idea ... Don't put your trust in people until you know them well.  That can avoid disappointment and having unrealistic expectations for them or your relationship with them.

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