this guy stares at me constantly, especially when I'm with guys. He checks me out and he comments on everything I say. When he sits, his legs are open and sometimes he violates my personal space etc... Does this mean he likes me?


1 Answers

Lia Tan Profile
Lia Tan answered

It could be that, but my first impression is that he's a creep. Although some guys don't know how to express their feelings for someone and resolve in being creepy. That's why, it really depends on the person. Maybe, just once or twice, try talking to him. See his actions and behavior while he's talking to you. That should give you a bigger picture on what his intentions are actually.

thanked the writer.
Amanda Layne
Amanda Layne commented
omg totally sounds like a creep, I agreee. Why do guys think that whole sitting and spreading legs thing makes them look cool? Maybe that's what they want from us lol
Lia Tan
Lia Tan commented
Yeah I don't why guys do that. Maybe it's because it feels comfortable or maybe it's because they're showing off their manhood (whatever that means). Whatever it may be, it's quite disturbing.

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