Why Is It That Women Are No Good At 'Multi-tasking'?


6 Answers

Joan Profile
Joan answered
Sorry my friend, I believe you are incorrect in that statement.  Have you ever watched a woman while she is cooking supper, tend to the runny nose of her child while she also puts some clothes in the washer?  In between all of that she also is capable of carrying on a conversation with her husband.  Cooking a meal is in itself is a multi-task.  You must wash the veggies, figure out how long to have the meat cooking prior to putting the veggies on so that all the meal comes hot to the table at the same time.  While doing that the table must be set, the dirty pots and pans rinsed and put into the dishwasher, the tea poured (but not too soon), you don't want the ice to melt.  About the time you have all of that under control little Henry comes in with a skinned knee; he must be tended to and calmed all the while keeping the meat from over cooking and the veggies from running out of water.  Multi-tasking, it's an everyday occurrence for a woman with a family to care for.
Annie Devore Profile
Annie Devore answered
I Don't Know About That Big Guy.. I Can Mow The Lawn While Talking On My Cellphone.. While I Am Making Bread In The Kitchen And   Listening To My CD  Player.. One Thing I Refuse To Do Is Gab On The Phone Or Text While Driving..  I Can Vaccuum The Stairs While I Carry Clothes Up The Stairs  I Won't Risk My Life By Drinking My Powerade In The Car.. Or Like Some Ladies  Put On Mascara While Driving  70 MPH..  That's Insane.. I Saw One Lady  Reading The Paper While Driving On A Six Lane Free Way. Yikes! That Question Could Get You Some Testy Answers Sir
aileeny Profile
aileeny answered
It is actually women that are better at multi tasking than men are. The male and female brain are different in certain ways.  For example there is a joke that women cannot read maps and there is actually some truth in this. Different spatiel abilities. Women apparantly remember how to get to a place by visualising such as shops along the way but with men they remember "real "landmarks.
thanked the writer.
peter johnson
peter johnson commented
Why can't women read maps? ...They can read,can't they??
If a woman had to drive say from Penzance to Newcastle-on-Tyne,would she therefore have to memorise all the shops along the route in order not to get herself lost??
aileeny commented
Hi, BB, It is just something that I read in a book a while ago ( which has been borrowed) that women really do have difficulty at map reading (not all women of course but in general) ,compared to men. That women memorise places differently to men. There were lots of gender differences and it made very interesting reading. Must get it returned. You may laugh at this as I suppose it is funny but some women apparantly can make more sense of a map by reading it upside down. ( Its our hormones !!!!!
peter johnson
peter johnson commented
--They couldn't be Chinese women,by any chance??
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
I don't agree with this statement, they are capable of doing multi tasks.
yarnlady Profile
yarnlady answered
According to everything I have read, you have got that backwards. Women are very good at multi-tasking, but men can barely think beyond their own nose. Men are notoriously single minded.
thanked the writer.
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yarnlady commented
No, I love men. I am just a realist. It is very important to know both our strengths and weakness, and the single mindedness of men works both ways. It enables them to follow an issue all the way to the end, and it prevents them from any effective multi-tasking.
peter johnson
peter johnson commented
Are you saying men are egotistical??
yarnlady commented
We all are egotistical, my friend.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Well spotted! There's a common fallacy that women are good at multi-tasking, but actually what women do is *attempt* to do half-a-dozen things at once - and do them badly. Men are more linear, they finish each task before starting the next, That way, they give their full attention to each task, do it well, and get the same half-dozen tasks completed better - and faster - than the supposedly 'multi-tasking' woman.

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