Do You Have A Best Friend?


5 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
I am glad you didn't ask do you have a friend. Lol Just kidding around. I have several best friends. I can't show favoritism you know. Lol I love them all dearly. Hope that this answer is acceptable. Love, Tigg
Moo C. Profile
Moo C. answered
Yeah and it may seem weird coming from a Muslim but my best friend is Jewish and we do lots of things together from homework to halo
ashley king Profile
ashley king answered
Yeah, who doesn't?
thanked the writer.
carol washington
carol washington commented
I know people who don't have a best friend because they don't know how to be a friend. So "best" friend is out of the question. Those people are toxic, so i let them go.
mike carlsen Profile
mike carlsen answered
Several, met them while in the military 20 years ago and I'm still in contact with them. I visited two of them last summer and it's possible i may visit again this summer. If so, watch out east coast!!!
thanked the writer.
carol washington
carol washington commented
Just want to say thanks for your service to our country. I'm sure that's one great group of friends!
mike carlsen
mike carlsen commented
You're welcome. 'twas a glamorous life of swilling cheap beer ;) lol!

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