
How Many Times Can You Have A Baby?


7 Answers

Jodi Something Profile
Jodi Something answered
You can have a baby about every year until you hit menopause if you want to but it is very hard on your body and very expensive. I grew up in a very strong catholic community and we had some very large families of 18-22 kids but the mother was old before her time. The older kids end up doing most of the parenting of the younger kid.
tinga nih Profile
tinga nih answered
More than 4 is high risk pregnancy.. The most babies I know is 16..
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Dont give false info. Having more than 4 is perfectly fine.
tinga nih
tinga nih commented
My mistake.. I wasn't able to elaborate my answer.. Just remember that we all are different.. Some can have up to 22 but then some can't.. So its not aways PERFECTLY fine.. I hope you can next time be specific of your condition..but generally certain EXTRA parameters are given to those multiparous women.. Im not saying you can't.. Im just saying there can be problems.. But NOT ALL the time..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As many as your body lets u.
thanked the writer.
tinga nih
tinga nih commented
Okey maybe i use extreme word 'HIGH' but its not perfectly fine... You will be having some risk for your uterus had been use for more than 4 times.. It is actually hard for it differs from one female to the another.. And how you deliver the baby. Where it is normal or c-section.. What im saying is its okey BUT you can have some risk factors.. PLEASE ASK ANY DOCTOR about it.. There are risk small or big it is still risk.. Just like frequent abortions.. Can give you lesser chance of having a baby
Anonymous commented
Having a baby is natural. Abortion is not. Do u have more than 4 and a dr told u this ? Im sure it can be high risk for those who have a medical condition to begin with.
Anita Thompson Profile
Anita Thompson answered
My Grandmother had 14. My Mother had 5. It depends on the person.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

As many as you can support. Otherwise, don't have kids if you don't even have enough money to buy milk and diapers.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends you can have a baby anytime but if you are more than 40 years old you could die while labor
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As many times you like you can have a baby every year
until you reach menopause

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