Do Armenians Date Outside Their Race? I'm SO Crushing On One!


2 Answers

Bridgett Gattis Profile
Bridgett Gattis answered
Sure they do why the heck not.  Today the times are different  and race and ethnicity doesn't really matter anymore.  If the two of you guys click, I don't see why not. But be aware, I dated a Indian guy in high school, I loved him so much but the family didn't like me because I was white and that made our relationship different., eventually we broke up because of it.  You have to realize that it is acceptable to date outside of race, nationality etc, but go into it with in mind that things might not go your way because unfortunately there is still racism and so on here.  But like I said if the two click go for it but with an open mind.  Good luck
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
No armenians will not date outside of their own race. Most armenian women are virgins and armenian guys respect this so thats why they end up together. If you respect this decision then youre good =).

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