Survey questionnaire social acceptance of teen-aged pregnancy?


1 Answers

Brenda Harrell Profile
Brenda Harrell answered
I do not think that the masses will ever accept teenage pregnancies because we have been taught to be responsible adults first.  Although, these teenage parents will become adults soon and then they will migrate into sociality with little or no difficulty as long as they become caring and responsible parents and take care of their children with little or no assistance from others.  For people to accept teenage pregnancies are to admit that they failed as adults and parents to teach their children to have protected sex or reframe from having sex until they became responsible adults.  Most adults forget the age they first experimented with sex and there is an old saying the fruit don’t fall to far from the tree.  I too believe there are too many teenage pregnancies, the only way it can be stopped is providing more and more education using teenagers who already have unwanted pregnancies and showing the children they had with no means to support them.  This is not a pretty picture, but our children need to see what really happens and don’t sugarcoat it.  Take care

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