I am trying to get disowned from my parents but they won't let me. I am 13 years old. What should I doooo?


13 Answers

yvette Jones Profile
yvette Jones answered
If you get disowned your life will be harder, not easier. Your parents are responsible for your life so don't be so hard on them. Continue to get good grades in school, high school, and before you know it, you will be moving out to college. Its awesome. You can live in the dorm rooms, study, party, talk to people from all over the world, go do activities, swimming, biking, hiking, air gliding (my school). Its really nice. Just hold on = Okay sweetie. Hold on.
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
Suffer as you have no choice here til you turn 18 or graduate from High School at 17
Kaitlin Bleh Profile
Kaitlin Bleh answered
Obviously if your parents do not want to disown you then they can't be that bad. I'm almost positive  you will be happy they don't.
Mariah Profile
Mariah answered
Why would you want to be disowned from your parents? You're only 13! These days should be the best times of your life! Adulthood is challenging. Bills,insurance,e.t.c! Live it up! I know there are some things you may not like, but your life should be heaven! Even if it's not, there's nothing you can do! They own you. When you turn 18 you're free! Best wishes!

P.S- Continue to Sit down with a bag of potato chips, some lemonade and watch a few episodes of Spongebob Squarepants.
Mariah Profile
Mariah answered
Why would you want to be disowned from your parents? You're only 13! These days should be the best times of your life! Adulthood is challenging. Bills,insurance,e.t.c! Live it up! I know there are some things you may not like, but your life should be heaven! Even if it's not, there's nothing you can do! They own you. When you turn 18 you're free! Best wishes!

P.S- Continue to Sit down with a bag of potato chips, some lemonade and watch a few episodes of Spongebob Squarepants.
anonymous user Profile
anonymous user answered
Depending what state you are in, try googling it though, emancipating a minor. It is basically like divorcing your parents. I don't suggest you do this because it is very hard to do. You need to get a job when youre 16, find a place to live, show that you're responsible. You then would bring this to a judge in probate court, they would decide whether it were  good idea or not.
armaani yusuf Profile
armaani yusuf answered
I'm 13 too but mind you.... My parnets are and should b the most important people in my life, so should be the case inurs. .don't even dream of desrerting dem!!!!they strived4 you,they loved you,they fed you ,they carresed you n instead of loving them back and repaying dem 4 what they did you want to run away??plzz don't...ull ruin your life!
What you should do today is;
go to your parents,kiss them both,hug them n tell em how much you luv dem n how grateful you are 2 have them as your parents.their not letting you to get disowned which means they luv you like all parnets should...b happy in whatever condition you are living in even if your parents make it a bit difficult at times...and don't forget;your PARENTS ARE THE REASON THAT you ARE HERE IN THISS WORLD...and if they didnt nurse you and take care of you when you were an infant you wouldnd have been alive

I hpe my answer made sense
try and b realyy affectionate wid dem n try to start a new begionning
juma evance Profile
juma evance answered
Yo should seek guidance and counseling from the street children and they will share with you their experiences. You won't like it!
Daniel Soegiarto Profile
If you really really want to get disowned, probably we won"t even have this Q & A sections. Choose a better joke questions.
thanked the writer.
Tulip Morningblossom
:) A very helpful answer coming from the one who wanted to know if robots and washing machines can have kids. Thank you for your input.

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