If Your Spouse Is Doing Porn Behind Your Back, Is That Cheating?


9 Answers

mike carlsen Profile
mike carlsen answered
I suppose it depends on how deeply he's into it. If it's just a few pics or movies I see no problem. If he's watching live video/cams, video chat, et cetera, I'd consider that emotional cheating. Personally it's the emotional cheating that's worse than the physical in my opinion.
nettie Profile
nettie answered
I really don't feel that it is cheating but if you feel you need to be a part of it talk to him about it, he could feel the same about women being all into love stories or the soaps,take it as just something he likes to do in his spare time to enhance his conversation along those lines,perhaps some of his friends enjoy them also and has told him about one he had not seen,I understand how you feel  about it chalk it up as a hobby like everything else,that is a man thing and for the most part most can't even verbalize the reason for even wanting to watch porn,just a hobby,like a drug addict it is the feeling they get while watching and can not get that feeling no other time without acting on it,hope this helps but no that is not the same as cheating good luck,hope this gives you some understanding...
thanked the writer.
Kathy3 commented
For Bgirl525- I think if you are comparing this to a drug "addiction" then that shoyld be a BIG RED FLAG that it is a problem. Would you just let your spouse go through life with a drug adiction or would you try to get them to seek help for their addiction? I am telling you this problem ruins relationships just as often as any other "addiction" if not more. It is a BIG self esteem killer and women have enough problems with this already with all the pressure society puts on them as it is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my opinion no.  As long as it is just porn.  If he fills like he needs something as long as he takes care of it himself then I don't see an issue.  I would however be upset they were hiding something from me.  He may not fill comfortable telling you or maybe you need to talk to him.  But as long as he is not looking for another person then I think you should feel safe.
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
Yes! Is this the profession that they had when you met and did you know about it? If so it still does not justify that it is behind your back which is indicative of the act.
Adrian Masters Profile
Adrian Masters answered
Our Pastor did a sermon on Adultry today. She said that watching porn is commiting Adultry because you are watchig it and lusting after the immage on the screen. Hope this helps.
carol washington Profile
The real issue here is that he did not share his interest in porn with you. Sometimes people don't want to tell their spouse because they don't share the same interest or fear of ridicule. Is this something you would share with him? If not, let him know you know. Make sure his collection is not around where children are exposed. Its a problem when it takes your place or too much money is going to his private interest.
memo brown Profile
memo brown answered
Well no not really hes probably doing it because you to are not having enough sex and it all stars wit porn soon it will be wit other women so you should talk to him about it before its to late I hope my advice does you good.!
Mrs Ellis Profile
Mrs Ellis answered
As a concerned spouse you should sit and have a calm conversation with your mate. Explain to him that his watching porn makes you uncomfortable. Then too, you should ask him his reason for watching so much porn so that you can get a clear understanding of his actions. Do not jump to conclusion but aim to reason with your mate before you make any other assumptions. Remember if it bothers you that much communication is the key.
Kathy3 Profile
Kathy3 answered
It is not physically cheating but the way it will make you feel is just as bad or worse. At least when someone cheats with someone else, it is a live person you are competing with. When it is porn it is pictures, movies, etc. Of unrealistic looking people doing pretty outrageous things. I think it is pretty dangerous territory because I know quite a few women who's partners "did "the porn thing and eventually could not perform,with them, without looking at it first!! How do you think that makes them feel? With a partner ,who then has no self esteem, the relationship will eventually be totally ruined.

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