
How Does Violence On Television Influence The Way Children Behave?


5 Answers

Girija Naiksatam Profile
Television is said to be one of the biggest influences on children. It is said that whatever information is sought on television is sometimes taken even more seriously than what is taught in the classroom. For children, watching TV always denotes assent from parents. Hence, they largely cannot tell whether what they're watching is wrong or negative. This then gets manifested by the process of 'Imitation' which is when actions and stunts that they carry out are those that they've watched on TV.

Violent content even in cartoons at such a young age tends to de sensitize children and make blood, pain and accident look like just another event in regular life. Because of the levels of violence that they've been exposed to during their very impressionable age, they will grow up to be adults that fail to get the gravity of certain situations and thus will have a higher level of tolerance to phenomena such as crime.
Mainul Hussain Profile
Mainul Hussain answered
If the child is enjoying violence in TV, he may also try to do the things. If he is afraid, he may lose faith on others.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, I think when they see it, they want to repeat the action or what they saw
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Voilence in television influence children in many way. Someitmes children see people on tv do things and they think it is right to do it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well yes it is said to be true that violence is a big inspect on the way children act.But that is why they have certan channels for children'and that is why you should keep a I on your children and what they watch.

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