What Is Holistic Development?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Development is holistic means that each area is dependant on the other to ensure the child develops to their full potential. Although development is described as different areas: Physical, social, emotional, language and intellectual, each area needs to connect in order for the child to develop. So for instance a child might be highly intellectual and then be unable to butter bread. This isn't because the child is incapable of buttering bread, it just has not had the chance to practice the physical skill. Another example is a child needs to wear glasses for school (physical) and other kids are child, this can mean his self esteem is being undermined and his confidence will diminish (emotional development) and could also lead to him becoming isolated from his friends as he cannot deal with the teasing (social) so he stops wearing his glasses to become socially acceptable and then he can't see properly (physical) so he cannot do his schoolwork and progress (intellectual).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Human development holistic development, very few people experience their life in compartments labelled 'physical' 'intellectual' 'emotional' 'social'. Most people experience a life course where all these issues come together as one whole. Holistic comes from the idea of wholism-that things need to be understood as a whole. It is possible to analyse human development under separate aspect such as physical, intellectual, social and emotional development but all these aspects interact with each other in the life stories of real people.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
The term Holistic Development can be defined as systems perspective for the development of the entire society or country. In other words Holistic development means how the entire society or economy can achieve development as a whole.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The holistic development of the child refers to the intergrated nature of children's development in the following areas, physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional, creative, moral, spiritual.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Holistic Development refers to physical, emotional, social and, spiritual growth.
Liza from Philippines
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Holistic development is a development that is integral. It covers all aspects of life: Physical, socio-economic, education, political, religious etc.
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
Holistic refers to the whole as opposed to a specific part. As such Holistic Medicine for instance is the treatment of the whole person, mental, physical and emotional as opposed to just the ear, knee or heart.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Holistic development simply means human development with equity and social justice.Its a present end of the discourse of the intellectuals journey on the concept of development. At the beginning mercantilism in 16th century were saying that collection of gold and silver through international trade was the development. Ultimately it led to colonization of the world. Later in 17th and 18th centuries , concept changed and increasing per income of the country became as development. It led to industrialization and discovery of modern money, bills.  After establishment of economics as a positive science, increasing  Per Capita Income  of a country was known as development, certainly means economic development. 
It was the Second World War  which changed the concept again, and by 1970, per capita availability of health, education and other social welfare services which are helpful to develop quality human capital or standard of living  included in development concept. The concept was popularized as economic development. By 1990 , thanks to pioneering work of Maqbool Haq, a well known Asian Pakistani Economist, who added gender disparity and other welfare variables in the concept and it popularized as Human Development.  Amartya Sen then pursued to include Empowerment into the Human development.
Due to environmental degradation caused by Industrial development etc. , natural resources came in danger without that human life can not service. So without creating danger to natural resources if human development is being achieved it become Sustainable Development. However, due to many social reasons, Castism in India, biased gender approach , educational and cultural backwardness, majority of social community can not enjoy their civil, social and economic rights. All type of exclusions-social, political,economic and  financial are existed in many countries. Hence, we can not confirm equity in the process of the development and do social injustice. If we do Development confirming equity and social justice by removing exclusions and empowering people, it become Holistic development. Do not hazard to Human and Environment . Thanks. Sinc.  Ladaf Taj, yashada , Pune , India

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