
Why Do Blonde Girls Drive Brunette Girls Crazy?


16 Answers

saba shah Profile
saba shah answered
Hey, I'm a deep brunette~nearly jet black. It just seems that blonde people stand out, get more attention, guys like them better, they seem to have more fun in life and people are happier around them. Where as boring brunettes seem to just blend into the background. Smart dependable romantic true, wifey, who cares about that boring ass shit man. This is why some brunettes get jealous and insecure around blonde girls. I do get insecure. But I don't hate or get angry at blonde people for no reason, I do feel terribly, terribly inadequate around them. Both physically and socially. Because they seem to make everybody's heads turn and have everybody's attention. But that's my problem. Not the blonde person's fault. All the best, a brunette.
Heidi Profile
Heidi answered
I am a female and I was naturally blonde - a good light blonde. I have been dying my dark brown for a long time now because I actually get more attention as a brunette than I did as blonde. Sometimes certain hair colors don't work for a persons complexion. My dark hair also makes my eyes stand out more, and I am way more confident as a brunette than a blonde. Maybe I'm one in a million, I don't know.  And blonde girls don't drive me crazy, girls who act incompetent drive me crazy. I am a confident brunette and btw I'm not the only blonde who went brunette.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You know thats not true at all. There really are a lot of blondes that dye their hair darker, and brunettes are not jealous of blondes, sometimes you blondes make us brunettes feel insecure because of how much better you think you are than us. I never thought that blondes were prettier but because of some blondes thinking that they're so much better than us brunettes made me feel insecure about myself, but now I'm stronger and feel much better about being a brunette. And blondes aren't that rare, a lot of you natural blondes think you're so rare, and it really depends on where you live, and where I live there are just as many blondes as there are brunettes, and there are plenty of blondes I know that have dyed their hair darker, in fact I kno more blondes that dyed their hair brown then brunettes dying their hair blonde. I'm not saying I hate blondes, but I hate a lot of their attitudes, and us brunettes are not jealous of you, you just wish we were!!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I know for a fact that brownheads, and redheads are very jealous. I was a very jealous brunette for many years and by the comments you, and many others make; it is evident that you are jealous, as much of the world of blonde haired women. They are rare and very desireable. Many men (and women) want blonde haired children, including Michael Jackson. Blonde hair will be extinct by 2022. Many men do prefer blondes as we all know. Magazines who have a blonde on the cover sell 70% better.
Anonymous commented
Ummm... Btw I just really don't that that is true... Also by the way Im a natural brunette and I don't envy blondes in any sort of way. Im not gonna be like the next top model but I don't think that Im horribly ugly. I think that blondes do sometimes think that they are better than some people but that's not fair to say that all think that.
Anonymous commented
I just think that all you guys are jealous of eachother. The blondes are insecure and defensive and put others down to make themselves feel better and the brunettes are jealous for reasons that I just don't get....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Brunettes are more attractive than blonde girls. Blonde girls are only cute. Brunettes are hot sexy and pretty!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Blondes are not bitchy, bossy, slutty, sleezy, ditsy or anything else the jealous brunettes of the world like to throw at us. Brunettes have this pitiful idea that we attack them to make ourselves feel better when it's almost always the other way around. Blondes have always been stronger because the world of brunettes and boys throw grenades at our faces while brunettes are pampered and treated like crown jewels, yet blondes still manage to remain happy for the sake of making others happy while brunettes fake their way through life only to create extreme sadness for all those around them. Guys only 'look' at blondes because they also see us as 'easy' and 'the perfect side-dish', while all the smart, dumb, hot, normal, mysterious, sexy, brilliant (or any other type of guy) will go for a confident, beautiful and pampered brunette. I'm not jealous of brunettes but I do know what it's like for the world to treat them like they are completely imperial.
jackie pendley Profile
jackie pendley answered
I'm a Brunette girl, but I'm not jealous of blondes.
Sometimes yes I do feel insecure by some blondes. But what gets me is that ever sexy, smart, kind, amazing girls on a Tv/Game/Book/Comic seems to be blonde.
(Not saying that every one is blonde, I've seen a lot that ain't.)
Sometimes, I see blondes using the excuse, "I'm blonde! I can't help it" when they do something stupid.  Then I hear the one about Brunettes are always smart and intelligent, but we do stupid things just like everyone else.
Sometimes Blondes just act like they are better since you got Television and all that good stuff, implying that blondes are. 
But then you got some brunettes acting like they are super smart cause of Television too.
So really it's just a stereotyping on both hair colors. I actually got good friends who are blonde and are amazing friends. (and for guys I prefer them blonde.)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, I'm a reasonably attractive blonde, and Brunette's hate me. I'm not a bitch, I'm not nasty, I don't act snooty, I don't think me being blonde make me better than anyone. However, I've lost count of how many times complete strangers/brunette girls have made some sort of comment or gave me the death glare. Often, if a young couple passes me, the brunette girl will point me out to her boyfriend and start laughing nervously, before throwing herself all over him, like some sort of weird self conscious ritual. "hey a blonde! I'm so insecure, I'm going to point her out and mock her, before validating my boyfriend's impression of me by reminding him I can be sexy too! Because blonds make me feel inferior." So so many of them around. I've never had any grief or weird behavior from other fellow blonds, or redheads, or any other colour. It's sad. I don't like blonde stereotypes and I don't play up to them. But I'm getting fed up of jealous, insecure brunettes. Brunettes can look great! And if they're jealous, just go and dye it! Simple.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I agree- and so hypocratic - Its a shame for these hypocritic marketing, editing, and SUPPOSEDLY CARING about REAL important issues people to be so full of crap and passive aggressive and yes sickening ( obviously-hence above)...feel sorry for these people and pray for them however you do......
Peace out
Nikki Radams Profile
Nikki Radams answered
I'm a dirty blonde and all my brunette friends seem to like me. But in movies, Blondes get all the attention and brunettes don't. :(

I'm guessing that's why.
helga larssen Profile
helga larssen answered

You are wrong, I'm a redhead (strawberry blonde), my boyfriend has a blonde wife who soon became his ex. 

I feel so secure around brunettes but not secure around blondes, I don't know, they always make fun of me. 

I always fight with blonde girls, they always make me mad, thats why I stole her husband! 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Any hair color is beautiful!!! I think the tones within brunette hair can be accentuated to create a unique color with a gorgeous spectrum of brown, red, gold, auburn, or blue black!!!!  Blonde hair has its own tones and beauty and so does brunette.  No color should be prettier than another and each woman is beautiful in their own way. If only stereotypes were not so prevalent in our sometimes shallow culture.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think there is a lot of jealousy, but blondes don't help themselves, to be liked by other women. I observed a lot the behavior of the blondes, and they seem to be very "attention seeking" and some of them act very dumb, because they know that men like them and they become  Narcissistic. Not all, but many are like this. I often see douchebags guys with ugly blondes, or very average beauty blondes. Maybe they want to be seen with blondes, by others guys, as a woman trophy, even if she have not a beautiful face or have no breast. I often noticed this phenomenon. Some blonds are very beautiful, but many trues europeans blonds are very tall, with big bones and masculines faces. They seem to have no eyebrows, and without make-up, it's very ugly. I don't understand why men like that, but I'm not a man, and can't say to the men what they should like.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wish I could make some kind of sense as to what Mr. Zuhail is trying to say. Imo, everyone is an aspiring blonde. For whatever reason, most girls that don't have blonde hair, are jealous of blondes. This is mainly due to the fact that most guys are attracted to blondes, so they get more attention which makes the other girls jealous. This is also the main reason why non blondes dye their hair blonde.
thanked the writer.
brittany rauen
brittany rauen commented
No that is not true by any means at all..... I am a female, with naturally brown hair... All blondes want to be brunette and all brunettes want to be blonde.. just like all people with short hair want long and all with long want short.... i am a female i would know this... trust me both are wrong
Anonymous commented
well brittney, opinions are fine, and everyone has got one. in my 43 years alive and having four sisters ranging in age from 29 to 46, what i said is a fact. i even called 2 of my sisters to confirm what i said, and in there unbiased opinion, what a wrote in there opinions, is correct. from 9th grade till recently, a majority of girls and women i know that dye there hair, are brunnettes dying blonde. i cant think of one girl that was a blonde that dyed there hair darker. anyway, you tried to make your point and said i was wrong. i would love to hear your answer to the question, instead of just telling me I'm wrong and giving me a 1 star rating. ill be waiting for your answer.
Haydee Soto Profile
Haydee Soto answered
I am a blonde Puerto Rican woman.... Been blonde since birth. I do think that brunettes are intimidated by blondes for what reason they are countless. What really bothers me are the blondes that give other blondes bad names. Not all blondes are airheads , slutbags, ditzy , trashy or whatever other name they would like to give us.. Fact is ..brunettes can also be these things.. As a matter of fact they are the bleached blondes giving real blondes a bad name. So as a beautiful , intelligent , respectable NATURALLY BLONDE woman ... BRUNETTES....PLEEEEEASE STOP STEREOTYPING!!!!
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
Everyone person has some kind of attraction. Blonde girls have their attraction in their hair. You can't say that which person would going to like which thing but the thing which is beautiful is liked by everyone.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We aren't jealous.  Blondes are either stupid, slut-bags with some VD or a bottle blonde.  Or some combo of the above.  Stupid is just dangerous.
thanked the writer.
Meta Forrest
Meta Forrest commented
Please don't judge a book by its cover.
Anonymous commented
Excuse me? Not all blondes are pretty. I bet you're a blonde and you're jealous of your brunette friends

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