
Do All Babies In The Womb Start Out As Female?


7 Answers

viktoria no Profile
viktoria no answered
Yes all babies in the womb start out as females then over time if it is to be a boy inside it naturally gets shots of testosterone (male hormone), this makes the guys "bits" grow, to clear up the hermaphrodite question if there is not enough testosterone or only one shot it will be something like a "hermaphrodite".  Hope this helped :D
alissia hale Profile
alissia hale answered
Yes, they do. I don't know why, but I do know that everyone starts out as female. Thats why guys have nipples!!
Mo Cha Profile
Mo Cha answered

I think there is a difference to be made between the physical sex and the genetical sex. Genetically, the sex is determined at the fertilisation of the ovum ( always X ) by the sperm ( X  or Y, thus the gender resulting of the father ).

BUT! Physically, the determination is not made until later during the pregnancy and the difference of genitalia results of the hormones ratio created by the fœtus/placenta/ even mother. That said, these facts are true;

- The genetical sex IS determined by the father, at the moment of the conception.

- All fœtuses are PHYSICALLY no-gender (what some may call « female due to the absence of penis) until later in the pregnancy, when hormones ( testosterone mostly ) will make the organs grow into their final aspect, thus defining a physical boy or girl.

The Hermaphrodite cases are probably the result of a lack or abundance of hormones, making the physical and genetical sex different.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
So if the baby turns out to be a hermaphrodite, what happens with your explanation of sex is determined at fertilization? The daddy had hermaphrodite sperm? Can you please explain, I am confused?
thanked the writer.
viktoria no
viktoria no commented
Yes all babies in the womb start out as females then over time if it is to be a boy inside it naturally gets shots of testosterone (male hormone), this makes the guys "bits" grow, to clear up the hermaphrodite question if there is not enough testosterone or only one shot it will be something like a "hermaphrodite". Hope this helped :D
caroline Profile
caroline answered
All of a womans eggs are female, whereas sperm can be either male or female. If a male sperm fertilizes the egg the sex of the embryo will be male and this is determined from the moment of conception. It does not occur any later than this.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
Yes, you are right. All babies in the womb start out as females and then hormone dump changes them to biologically male at the normal stage of development.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No if you payed attention in science you would know that this answer is stupid. All girls already have their ovaries boy would not have ovaries or they would also have their periods or be going through the menstral cycle. LOOK IT UP!!!

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