How Can I Deal With Disrespectful Step Child?


9 Answers

Kat devore Profile
Kat devore answered
I would sit the parent of the child down and have a long talk, it isn't fair to you to have to live with disrespect. Try taking away the phone TV computer allowance etc.. If this doesnt work totally ignore the child when they are in your presence, as if they don't exsist!!! Lol  A good spanking might be in order too. This sounds like a child who is really spoiled and has to be the center of attention at all times. Zuhail doesnt sound like you have even been around children at all!!! Sorry but a child who is disrespectful needs to be disrespected  and taught a lesson that they are not in control.  Tough love sometimes is the only answer to a problem child and I am speaking from experience I have a son 31 and a daughter 29, also raising a 11 yr old grand son who is ADHD_ODD  Hope this helps!!
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Qiana Banks
Qiana Banks commented
It might be to late because her mom should have stopped it as soon as it started!! At this p shoint she thinks she runs u!! What u might can do is just u an her go out an do something she likes an just ask her why she feels the way she does! Let her speak until shes done then u answer. it could be that she misses her father? yOU NEED TO TALK TO YOUR WIFE VERY BADLY!!! LET HER KNOW UR READY TO LEAVE IF SHE DOESNT HELP!
Anonymous commented
I agree with Kat. I am a stepmom to my fiance's son and his son is out of control and completely disrespectful because he has been allowed to think he is the centre of the earth since the day he was born. Tough love is necessary, along with respect. But I don't believe in what Zuhail said about satisfying his needs more thoroughly than before. My stepson has ALL the love and attention in the world from me, his dad, his grandma, my parents, my family, everyone - and it is STILL never enough for him. You can't reason with him as he will tell you you are wrong and you are nothing. He has used every opportunity to manipulate us and get what he wants. I don't believe he is anything but really spoiled and insecure. Unlike my fiance, I won't let him walk all over me and treat me badly, so he respects me more than his dad. He needs to learn to be independent and more emotionally secure and happy and that comes from within. I have done my best to teach him good values and morals, right from wrong, and give him the guidance and love to succeed, but he just doesn't seem to care. He has no friends, can't make or keep friends, and is extremely disrespectful to everyone. So what do you do??? At times, I thought I would give up. If I didn't love my fiance so much, I wouldn't be there. I wouldn't put up with all that disrespect from a child that is not mine or try to love him as much as I do. All of your postings have really helped. I just wanted you to know that! Thanks!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Know how you feel you try to make them feel they have someone other than than parents but close enough to be family.This generation is so selfish and treat people like crap.ITS A NEVER ENDING STORY
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to tell that brat to pack her stuff and get out. She will most likely look shocked by your comment and pause for a moment. While she is dazed by this let her know that you are through playing games and there is a new game plan and she can either play by the new rules or leave period. Do not show her mom disrespect but let her know that she can help you here. The child will play off her mom and follow her example. You and the mom need to be of one mind here and never contradict each other. The child needs to know that she is the one who will change and that is all there is to it. I am in a very similar boat myself and my wife and I don't agree about how to effect the desired change in my step=daughter's behaviour. God luck.
Jeni Chism Profile
Jeni Chism answered
There is a fine line between being a parent and being a step-parent. Where is the line drawn? In my opinion, it depends on how old the child was when you and mom hooked up and whether or not the girl was asked if she thought it was a good idea. Even though she is not an adult, she still has her own feelings and emotions and she has a right to them.
Are you doing something that causes her behavior? I realize that as an adult, you are responsible for her in some ways, but is there a specific time she throws the
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Since this is a step child then maybe it is best to let the other
parent deal with the child I would sit the parent down and let
him or her know just what is going on with the child if that
child other parent could not do anything about it I would just
keep my distance
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Anonymous commented
Not really an option a lot of the time the reason step kids become such Menaces is their parents grand parents.Parent competing for their affection because of their own insecurity. Grand parent uncles etc. Giving them more when they are bad .When kids that R equally related to them they will give nothing even when good. Everyone feel because their parent are split the need more stuff attention should get away with more. When the Step Child is Upset Step parent is target they crave bio lov
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive been dealing with a step-daughter for years, My biggest mistake was giving here everything she wanted no matter how much debt I was in. She called me an asshole once in front of her girlfriend, and her mom who says she will grow out of this. Shes going on twenty, I speak to her maybe once or twice every six months.(Shes in college) although speaks with her mom daily. I try hard not to show how she hurts me but now being the step-dad doesnt hold much weight these days. Not even sure if I want a relationship with her anymore, Iam concentrating on the two boys now hoping it doesnt turn against me again. Basicly, its tough being a step-parent
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get a Divorce.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It tough but she is a teenager some times they feel like the whole world is against them. Hormones social issues and trying to figure out who the are....It is hard to deal with as a step mother you give so much more than the bio parent often do and you don't get the love in return ...keep in mind it hard for them too if they show care for us the step mom for fear they may  hurt their moms feelings and pay for it with them....Bio Mom deneys it... My stepdaughter now 15 been with her 5 years now.... We used to be closed the first 2 year and her mom jumped her saying she not to care for me she her mother I'm nothing to her etc... She does not share anymore ...but you can tell when been with bio and attitude changes and kid tries to erase you from thier history and replace fairytales of the bio mom...Just be a teen alone is hard ... But to be at teen age and step kid regardless of being spoiled rotten...Being a step mom I try so hard as I believe most of us do... We give so much in hopes of  getting love or appreciated but... The dynamic of Step mom does not allow that more expected from us and they have to be rude to us to protect their  relationship or memory with/ of bio mom...... I mean your baby showing more care to another woman must hurt...  You can't expect the child to be understanding of sit and logical (even though I often struggle with that myself)  it is a emotional situation.  No matter what Bio mom does to them the want her love and usually rather hurt another woman other than their mom.  For god Sakes they where in her tummy...  Being jerks to us is protecting them self from hurting their bio mom and feeling guilt for feeling close to us...
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
When a step child behaves like this then it is natural what you feel at the moment. She has adopted insulting behavior towards you. Her behavior is developed now. It will take time to be changed. You can't leave her. She can change here behavior.

You can do the following things.
1- Do not change your behavior. Make her feel comfortable no matter how disrespectful she is towards you. One day she will know that she is wrong.
2- Your good and polite behavior can change her. Satisfy his needs more throughly than before.
3- Participate in her activities. Visit her school.
4- Talk to her friends and praise your daughter in front of them.
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Izzy Young
Izzy Young commented
I completely agree with this answer. I was hugely disrespectful of my mother (with somewhat good reason) and stepfather (guilty by association) when I was a teenager. He was steady in giving me attention when he was happy with me, and he left the room/didn't react when I was ugly. Now I am very appreciative of his setting such a clear, steady example for me of how an adult should act and control themselves. I know it was terribly difficult for him to be so honorable and respectful to me when I was so mean.

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