What Time Should A 11 Year Old Go To Bed During The School Year?


17 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 11 I go up to bed around 10:00 and don't fall asleep until 10:30. If he/she needs to wake up at a very early time like 6:00, he/she should go to bed at 9:00 and at least fall asleep by 9:30 or 10:00. Hope this helped!
stacy yung Profile
stacy yung answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think it should be around 9:30 - 9:45
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
ly fen chen Profile
ly fen chen answered

My daughters went to bed at 9 pm when they were in the school time, i mean when they were young like 10 years old, as it was important for their health, they were young  and they should need having  8 or 10 hours' sleeping at night, if no, they were not in a good mood and it would affect their health and their vigour at school.

Dominique Saindon Profile
I would say no later than 10 I think when I was 11 I fell asleep around 9 because I was so active and was just pooped by the time I got to my bed
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 11 and I ALWAYS go to sleep at about 11.00 :p but I can't sleep until about 2:00 in the morning.Yes I have slept at 9.00 before and fell asleep straight away. But usually I just get carried away by watching a tv program or talking to friends on the laptop and then at the end I just remember that my maths homework was due in the next day.so by the time I have finished doing all my stuff I check the time and its 11:00 !! So I run to my bedroom put on my pyjamas, brush my teeth then run to say bye to my parents ( I do mean goodnight but there isn't enough time so I run in the room shout out bye and run out)anyway I wake up at about 7:00- 8:10 which I find stupid because theres 1 hour and 10 mins between them but that how it is anyway your 11 year old...well it depends which time they have to wake up but I would say 10:00 or 10:30 or my favirout-11;00!!!! ( but its a bit late soo....)

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